学位:博士 | |
研究中心:果蔬加工技术研究中心 | |
研究领域:新疆特色果蔬精深加工;传统发酵食品资源开发与利用;食品多组学研究 | |
邮箱:wenchaocai@foxmail.com | |
办公电话: | |
通讯地址:新疆bevictor伟德313b | |
受邀担任《Frontiers in Food Science and Technology》客座副主编与《Rising Stars in Food Process Design and Engineering》专刊编辑以及《Food Research International》、《Frontiers in Nutrition》、《Food Bioscience》等10余本SCI期刊审稿人。
2022.12--至今 bevictor伟德,专任教师
2019.9--2022.8 bv伟德国际体育农业工程专业,博士学位
2018.6--2019.9 湖北省食品配料工程技术研究中心,科研人员
2016.9--2018.6 bv伟德国际体育食品加工与安全专业,硕士学位
[1] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2020). Effects of pretreatment methods and leaching methods on jujube wine quality detected by electronic senses and HS-SPME–GC–MS. Food chemistry, 330, 127330.
[2] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2021). Bacterial diversity and flavor profile of Zha-Chili, a traditional fermented food in China. Food Research International, 141, 110112.(ESI高被引论文)
[3] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2021). Rice varieties affect bacterial diversity, flavor, and metabolites of zha-chili. Food Research International, 147, 110556.
[4] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2021). Diversity of microbiota, microbial functions, and flavor in different types of low-temperature Daqu. Food Research International, 150, 110734.
[5] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2022). Depth-depended quality comparison of light-flavor Baijiu from two fermentation rounds. Food Research International, 159, 111587.
[6] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2021). The fungal communities and flavor profiles in different types of high-temperature Daqu as revealed by high-throughput sequencing and electronic senses. Frontiers in Microbiology, 784651.
[7] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2021). The depth-depended fungal diversity and non-depth-depended aroma profiles of pit mud for strong-flavor Baijiu. Frontiers in Microbiology, 789845.
[8] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2021). PacBio sequencing combined with metagenomic shotgun sequencing provides insight into the microbial diversity of zha-chili. Food Bioscience, 40, 100884.
[9] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2020). Pretreatment methods affecting the color, flavor, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant activity of jujube wine. Food Science & Nutrition, 8(9), 4965-4975.
[10] Wenchao Cai. et al. (2022). Insights into the Aroma Profile in Sauce-flavor Baijiu by GC-IMS Combined with Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2022, 4614330.
1. 2022年 宝钢优秀奖
2. 2022年 bv伟德国际体育优秀博士学位论文
1. 2021.1 一种黑枸杞复合饮料及其制备方法 ZL 2017 1 0166776.4